Lincoln Airport Authority Executive Director Earns Prestigious Accreditation

Apr 8, 2020

David Haring joins an elite group achieving the requirements of the American Association of Airport Executives, one of the nation’s oldest professional groups for airport leaders.

LINCOLN, Neb. — April 8, 2020 — David Haring, executive director of the Lincoln Airport Authority, has been awarded the distinction of Accredited Airport Executive (A.A.E.) by the American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE).
To qualify for his distinction, Haring had to successfully complete three phases of the accreditation process:

  1. Pass a 180-item, multiple-choice examination.
  2. Fulfill a writing requirement.
  3. Demonstrate, in the final interview by a panel of A.A.E.s, his knowledge of airport management, business administration and general transportation economics.

His achievement attests to his ability to meet the AAAE’s stringent requirements and his experience in managing a public airport. By fulfilling all the requirements leading to the title of Accredited Airport Executive, Haring joins a select group of individuals who have earned the designation in the six-plus decades of the accreditation program’s existence. At present, fewer than 10% of AAAE’s members throughout the country are active accredited airport executives.
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About AAAE
Founded in 1928, AAAE ( is the world’s largest professional organization representing the men and women who work at public-use commercial and general aviation airports. AAAE’s 6,500-plus members represent some 870 airports and hundreds of companies and organizations that support the airport industry. Headquartered in Alexandria, Va., AAAE serves its membership through results-oriented representation in Washington, D.C. and delivers a wide range of industry services and professional development opportunities including training, conferences, and a highly respected accreditation program.
About the Lincoln Airport Authority
The Lincoln Airport Authority is the political entity responsible for overseeing the planning, development, operation and maintenance of the Lincoln Airport. Governed by an elected, five-member Board of Directors, the Lincoln Airport Authority strives to position the Lincoln Airport as the premier option for commercial, general and military aeronautical users. For more information, visit, follow @LNKairport on Twitter or check Lincoln Airport out on Facebook.